Odin Environmental


Guiding your Due Diligence Needs.

Areas of Focus



A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is often conducted to assess the potential for liability from hazardous materials and/or petroleum contamination on a parcel of real estate. We conduct Phase I ESAs strictly following the methodology detailed in the ASTM E1527-21 standard, in order to permit a user to satisfy one of the requirements to qualify meeting all appropriate inquiries into the previous ownership and uses of a property under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).

A Phase I ESA is typically required by a lender or investor in order to limit the potential liabilities from the purchase of a contaminated property.

The epa has approved the latest revision to the E1527-13 standard. AS of february 13, 2024, the most up to date version of e1527-21 Must be used in meeting “all appropriate inquiries.


Should a Phase I ESA reveal a potential recognized environmental condition (REC), Odin Environmental, LLC is experienced in conducting investigations into the source, location and severity of contamination. Soil, soil gas vapor and groundwater samples are often collected along with advancement of borings using a variety of drill rigs or exploratory test pits with a backhoe.

Samples are collected and maintained per established EPA and NYSDEC protocols and sent to certified environmental laboratories. Analytical results are then tabulated and compared against NYSDEC or EPA regulations in order to determine the next step in resolving a contamination issue.

Odin Environmental, LLC has years of experience in preparing easy to read reports and will work directly with the regulators to address all site concerns.


From conducting a simple Environmental Site Review to managing a complex multi-acre reclamation of a contaminated site, Odin Environmental, LLC has the experience to manage your project. Our background in quality assurance has built Odin Environmental, LLC from the ground up to be focused on every detail of a project.

And, with our network of local and regional engineers and environmental professionals, no job is too small or too big. We believe that collaboration, not competition, leads to success. A consultant’s job, by definition, is not to necessarily know the answer to every question, but to be able to find the right answer to any question.

What can we do for you?
